
Omega Syndicate Administrator Captain HvCFT Purgatory
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« on: September 08, 2004, 06:15:53 PM » |
2002 22-May-2002: E3 2002: The Matrix online game announced - Warner Bros teams up with Monolith Productions and EON to create a massively multiplayer online game based on the blockbuster sci-fi movie The Matrix. 22-May-2002: E3 2002: The Matrix Announced - A new online game is being developed based on the film. 23-May-2002: Monolith to Develop The Matrix Online - Warner Bros., Monolith Productions and EON Entertainment Developing Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game based on the hugely successful "The Matrix" franchise. 23-May-2002: Monolith to Develop The Matrix Online - Warner Bros., Monolith Productions and EON Entertainment Developing Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game based on the hugely successful "The Matrix" franchise. 24-May-2002: E3 2002: Follow the White Rabbit - You can do just that in the Matrix massively multiplayer online RPG. 30-May-2002: The Matrix Online: A Chat With Jason Hall - Very old interview 2003 13-May-2003: E3 2003: The Matrix Online - What was announced one year ago is now Ubi Soft's. Will you stay in Wonderland? 14-May-2003: The Matrix Online Announced - Ubi Soft is working with Warner to create an online game based on The Matrix series. 14-May-2003: E3 2004: The Matrix Online - We suck down a red pill and drop into Warner Brothers' booth for a quick viewing of their upcoming MMO. 23-May-2003: Fragland Toby Ragaini interview - An interview with Toby Ragaini, Head of MMP developement @ Monolith. 14-Nov-2003: The Matrix Online Website Launches - The official gather place for the upcoming MMORPG is now live, and we have new pics. (Old UBI defunct website featured) 18-Nov-2003: The Matrix Online details uploaded - Ubisoft updates its official The Matrix Online Web site with gameplay information and answers to frequently asked questions. 2004 Jan 14-Jan-2004: Newly Created Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Inc. Dedicated to Interactive Gaming Business to Be Headed by Technology Executive Jason Hall - Newly Created Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Inc. Dedicated to Interactive Gaming Business to Be Headed by Technology Executive Jason Hall 14-Jan-2004: Warner Bros. gives games another shot - Title-rich movie studio swaps licensing agenda for in-house production model, hires Monolith co-founder Jason Hall. 16-Jan-2004: Monolith names new CEO - Samantha Ryan fills slot left vacant by Jason Hall's exit, capping a five-year rise at the studio. 22-Jan-2004: MMO 2004 - Your complete guide to the world of upcoming MMOs. Last article note the thoughts of release in 2005. Feb 25-Feb-2004: Ubisoft jacks out of the Matrix Online - [UPDATE] Warner Bros. and Monolith are continuing development on the sci-fi film-based MMORPG. 25-Feb-2004: Ubisoft Exits the Matrix - The publisher dials out of The Matrix Online Apr 6-Apr-2004: Preview The Matrix Online - There's a 10 minute preview available. Wanna know where? 7-Apr-2004: Warner correcting Matrix Online DVD gaffe - Former publisher Ubisoft gets prominent billing in recent DVD release; reissue on the way. 12-Apr-2004: Warner Bros. to self-publish, AIM-enable the Matrix Online - Media giant's fledgling game division will distribute the upcoming sci-fi MMORPG, which will feature AOL instant messaging. 12-Apr-2004: AIM in The Matrix Online - AOL's instant messenger software tied into upcoming MMOG. 12-Apr-2004: Integration of AOL® Instant MessagingTM (AIM®) Services - For the first time ever, massively multi-player PC gamers can communicate at any time to players who are not jacked in, playing the game 12-Apr-2004: Matrix Online to Use AIM - Players will 'jack in' through AOL's chat service. May 3-May-2004: Matrix Online Web Site Relaunch - nuff said 3-May-2004: Matrix Online beta nears - Warner Bros. readies persistent world for persistent gamers, beta sign-up open for business. 3-May-2004: The Matrix Online Beta Sign-Up - Registration for upcoming beta test of MMOG opened now! 3-May-2004: The Matrix Online Beta Sign-ups Begin - As if you didn't have enough other MMO betas to sign up for today. 5-May-2004: Matrix Online Beta News - Applications for the Matrix Online Beta are now being accepted. 6-May-2004: Sega Partners With Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment to Co-Publish The Matrix Online - Massively Multiplayer Online Game Extends The Matrix Saga 7-May-2004: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and ATI Team to Market The Matrix Online - The Massively Multiplayer Online Game Will Be Hosted At ATI's E3 Booth 9-May-2004: Sega To Publish The Matrix Online - E3 news 10-May-2004: Matrix Online Co-Publisher Announced - Sega partners with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment to Co-Publish The Matrix Online. 10-May-2004: Sega to copublish Matrix Online - Publisher partnering with Warner Bros. Interactive to publish the film-inspired PC MMORPG. 10-May-2004: Sega to Publish The Matrix Online - WBIE's online game set in the popular movie franchise universe coming in November. 10-May-2004: Sega Takes You Into The Matrix - Announcing agreement with Warner Bros. to co-publish The Matrix Online. 10-May-2004: E3 2004: Sega Jacks into the Matrix, Wields Warhammer - Wandering around the halls of E3 uncovers some startling details... There is no spoon, Orc trash. 11-May-2004: ATI Promotes The Matrix Online - Graphics giant shows off game, helps with the pre-launch marketing. 12-May-2004: Sega officially announces Matrix Online deal - After weeks of wild rumors, the so-called "Sega-ton" announcement proves anticlimactic. 12-May-2004: Impressions - E3 2004 - We take an up-close look at Warner Bros. Interactive's upcoming online game based on the Wachowski Brothers' sci-fi motion pictures. 12-May-2004: The Matrix Online - The Revolution is over, the Cold War is about to begin... 12-May-2004: Sega to publish The Matrix Online - Maybe there is a spoon, after all. 21-May-2004: GSLive at E3 2004: South Hall - Ryan and Rich continue their tour of E3 2004 with a sprint through South Hall. (Approx: 15m 51s | High Res - 407.7 MB - Low Res 186.8 MB) 24-May-2004: Gameplay Footage 1 - Agents appear to be a big part in the Matrix Online. (no audio) (Approx: 0m 44s | High Res - 19.0 MB - Low Res 8.6 MB) 24-May-2004: Gameplay Footage 2 - A feisty red head takes on numerous opponents in the Matrix Online. (no audio) (Approx: 1m 35s | High Res - 40.8 MB - Low Res 18.1 MB) 24-May-2004: Gameplay Footage 3 - Two warriors battle for supremacy. (no audio) (Approx: 0m 34s | High Res - 14.9 MB - Low Res 6.6 MB) 30-May-2004: Gameplay Footage 4 - In this clip, a Neo-like character takes down a few common thugs. (Approx: 1m 1s | High Res - 26.2 MB - Low Res 11.9 MB) 30-May-2004: Gameplay Footage 5 - A quick punch to the sternum sends your foes to the ground. (Approx: 1m 0s | High Res - 26.1 MB - Low Res 11.8 MB Download It)" 30-May-2004: Gameplay Footage 6 - We miss at point-blank range with a shotgun and have to resort to using bare knuckles for the takedown. (Approx: 1m 1s | High Res - 26.2 MB - Low Res 11.8 MB) Jun 2-Jun-2004: Women in Gaming by interviewing Ellen Beeman - “The Matrix Online’s” Live Team Producer Talks Games, Graphics, Storytelling and More 3-Jun-2004: The Matrix Online beta under way - Sega and Monolith kick off the closed beta for the film-trilogy-inspired MMORPG. I doubt this was when BETA actually was underway more like July 27 3-Jun-2004: The Matrix Online Beta Test Begins - Small group let into game world based on film trilogy earlier this week. 21-Jun-2004: The Matrix Online - Guided Tour #1 - An exclusive guided tour of The City that gamers will explore in The Matrix Online. 21-Jun-2004: The Matrix Online Interview - Toby Ragaini - Games Fusion talks to Lead Designer Toby Ragaini about Monolith's & Warner Bros. forth coming MMOG, The Matrix Online. 23-Jun-2004: Q&A - We get the chance to ask producer William Westwater about the latest details regarding The Matrix Online. 30-Jun-2004: The Matrix Online - Guided Tour #2 - A traipse through the tough territory of Tabor Park. Jul 2-Jul-2004: The Matrix Online - Guided Tour #3 - It's time to check out Kedemoth Towers and the Furies! 9-Jul-2004: Updated Q&A - Producer William Westwater and engineer Jeff Everett talk about some of the features in the game, including the graphics engine and the skill tree. Seems Williams was giving interviews to anyone with a site about this time. 12-Jul-2004: The Matrix Online - Guided Tour #4 - A trip through three more Matrix destinations and an in-depth look at the character of Raini. 13-Jul-2004: HomeLAN Fed's interview with William Westwater - Interview with William Westwater on creating MxO and gameplay. 16-Jul-2004: Rob Overseer - Rob Overseer (aka: Overseer), is a man you might not of heard of yet, but you’ve definitely heard his music. Featured in The Matrix: Reloaded trailers, a level of Enter The Matrix, and now, the trailers for The Matrix Online. 19-Jul-2004: The Matrix Online - Guided Tour #5 - Exploring the Barrens and Gunness Lake. 22-Jul-2004: William Westwater interview - Monolith's William Westwater talks combat. 22-Jul-2004: The Matrix Online - Monolith's William Westwater talks combat. Plus, a new movie! 25-Jul-2004: The Matrix Online - Guided Tour #6 - Part six of our series takes us through the rough neighborhood called Toppan. 26-Jul-2004: MxOS Interviews Toby Ragaini - At the Monolith press summit for The Matrix Online, Matrix Online Stratics had the rare opportunity to sit down face-to-face with Lead Designer Toby Ragaini. 26-Jul-2004: The Matrix Online Visit Report - We jack into the continuation of the cinematic saga and upload data directly from the team at developer Monolith. 26-Jul-2004: The Matrix Online Preview - We slink into some sexy outfits and slide into the virtual reality of Monolith and Warner Bros. upcoming MMO. 27-Jul-2004: Preview - Overview - Get the details on this upcoming massively multiplayer game that will let you explore the world created by the popular motion pictures. 27-Jul-2004: The Matrix Online Beta hands-on - Delsyn takes the Red Pill and finally gets to see the "Real World" of The Matrix. 30-Jul-2004: Developer Interview 1 - Toby Ragaini and William Westwater of Monolith Productions tell us a little bit about the game's mission structure and character creation in this interview. (Approx: 4m 16s | High Res - 110.0 MB - Low Res 50.0 MB) Aug 2-Aug-2004: The Matrix Online - Guided Tour #7 - Part seven of our series takes us on a trip through the Bathory Row neighborhood. 4-Aug-2004: Combat Movies - An MxO Vault Exclusive - Two players engage in an elaborate gun fight. As they roll and twist, the fight takes on a form of dancing. 4-Aug-2004: Combat Movie Trilogy Part 1: Gunfight Video - Two players engage in an elaborate gun fight. As they roll and twist, the fight takes on a form of dancing. (950KB) 6-Aug-2004: Collin Chou (Seraph) - Answers some questions for MXO Stratics and talk with Ian "PhroG" Taylor. 8-Aug-2004: Abilities Introduction - First look at the new disciplines and replacement of abilities 8-Aug-2004: Disciplines Introduction - First look at the new disciplines and replacement of abilities 9-Aug-2004: The Matrix Online - Guided Tour #8 - Part eight of our series takes us through Lopez Point to The Lynchpin Club and introduces a few new personalities. 11-Aug-2004: MxO Abilities Structures Clarified - Written by Walrus of Monolith After reading the community response to a recent article (Disciplines & Abilities) on MxO Vault about abilities in The Matrix Online, it seems some clarification is in order. 11-Aug-2004: Developer Q&A with Toby Ragaini - Toby answers questions about missions, the game engine and graphical effects, as well as going into detail about close combat and site seeing. 12-Aug-2004: Warner Bros. buys Monolith Productions - Matrix Online and Tron 2.0 developer will become part of Time-Warner's Interactive Entertainment division. 12-Aug-2004: Warner Brothers acquires Monolith - Broadening its horizons, Warner Bros. puts down the money and buys Monolith Productions. 12-Aug-2004: Warner Bros. Buys Monolith - The Matrix Online and Tron 2.0 dev is with the Bugs now. 13-Aug-2004: Q&A: Monolith CEO Samantha Ryan - Longtime Monolith leader Samantha Ryan checks in on what the acquisition by Warner Bros. means for the crew in Kirkland. 15-Aug-2004: Combat Movies - An MxO Vault Exclusive - A character jump kicking another avatar in the back and knocking them to the ground. 15-Aug-2004: Combat Movies - An MxO Vault Exclusive - World Wrestling Federation professionals would be proud of this maneuver. With a running start, a character comes up from behind and, grabbing the head of another character, drops her to the ground like a professional wrestler. 16-Aug-2004: The Matrix Online - Guided Tour #9 - A stroll through Lamar, the business district on the east side of town. 16-Aug-2004: Question of the Week #1: Toby Ragaini on Mass Transit - Deals with ingame transportation and mass transit in The Matrix Online. 18-Aug-2004: Interview with William Westwater - Matrix Online Ogaming interview William Westwater. 18-Aug-2004: Q&A with Monolith's Samantha Ryan - We check in with the CEO on life as part of Warner Bros. 19-Aug-2004: William Westwater @ Stratics - Part 1 of 2 - Matrix Online Stratics recently had the opportunity to ask some questions of Monolith Productions' Director of Online Development, William Westwater. 20-Aug-2004: Updated Q&A - Combat - We grill producer William Westwater on how the combat system will work in The Matrix Online and how martial arts will combine with gunplay to convey the epic combat of the movies. 20-Aug-2004: Jason Hall on the future of Warner Bros. Interactive - We sit down with the former Monolith head to discuss the acquisition of Monolith and The Matrix Online 20-Aug-2004: Interview with Jason Hall - Jason Hall, the Senior Vice President of Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, took some time to answer MxO Vault's questions regarding the acquisition of Monolith Productions as well as some questions surrounding The Matrix Online. 22-Aug-2004: Combat Movies - An MxO Vault Exclusive - This video features two characters in a hand to hand fight when, suddenly, the female takes to the air and slowly spins and arcs towards her opponent. As she comes down in the air, she kicks out and her foot slams the man to the ground by the neck. 22-Aug-2004: Question of the Week #2: Character Names in MxO - Deals with the possible proliferation of movie character names in The Matrix Online. 23-Aug-2004: The Matrix Online - Guided Tour #10 - We continue our tour of the Downtown area of The Matrix. 23-Aug-2004: William Westwater @ Stratics - Part 2 of 2 - Welcome back. In Part 1 of our interview with William Westwater, we touched on the differences between gunplay and martial arts combat, transportation, missions, and available weaponry. 25-Aug-2004: Interview with Dan Myers, Online Community Lead for The Matrix Online - MxO Vault recently had a chance to engage in an informative interview about MxO community issues with Dan Myers, the Online Community Lead for The Matrix Online, as well as learn a little about Dan himself. 28-Aug-2004: PAX Day 1 Pictures - Some pictures from Naomi and Nyneve's first day at the Penny Arcade Expo 30-Aug-2004: PAX Day 2 Pictures - Faction Combat, Character Creation, Agent Attacks, and Banners Galore! 30-Aug-2004: The Matrix Online at Penny Arcade Expo - The intrepid MxO Vault Site Managers ventured into the depths of Gaming Culture (tm) to bring you, the readers, back Information on The Matrix Online at PAX! Sep 3-Sep-2004: MxO at PAX '04 Fan Movie by PuppetMaster - PuppetMaster put together an awesome music video showing The Matrix Online at Penny Arcade Expo 2004 and shares the Expo experience with those unable to attend. In it we see live combat, character creation, and more. Thank you to PuppetMaster for the great movie recap!! 7-Sep-2004: MxOS Exclusive Interview: Randall Duk Kim - Talks about his experiences in the films and Enter the Matrix, as well as finding out if there's a chance of running into The Keymaker himself inside The Matrix Online.