Each week (except week 6 of the patch cycle, but you know) The Matrix Online is graced with 3 new critical missions, one for each organization, each progressing the grander storyline in its own way. Now normally, experiencing all sides of said story would involve the tedium of levelling alternate characters for each of the other orgs or waiting until next chapter for the archives to catch up. No longer! as Rumbaar and ZippyTheSquirrel team up to bring you the complete story as it happens!
So feel free to click the links below for your spoilerific weekly dose of critical mission goodness.
Zion Critical Mission 10.3.5Machine Critical Mission 10.3.5Merovingian Critical Mission 10.3.5You might also notice a new 'Mission Summaries' link has been added to the 'Misc' section of the Database Menu on the the left of the site <<<, all previous summaries can now be found at the Archive Hub there. Enjoy.