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Author Topic: Devs Updates  (Read 4749 times)
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Red Pill
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« on: July 25, 2009, 08:12:02 AM »

Note: I constantly updated the post with screen shot its heavy, and Fixed some dates with other small Events that has happened in the past.  Also Evene is my alternative character that i use now mostly.

The final day has come for the shut down of Matrix Online, its 2am Central time when the server has shut down. As promised by Dracomet everyone got up to lv 99, having additional 24 points of attribute points. You can get nearly everything up to 30 points except for one. So you would have all 30's and one 20, but even so having such high stats in all ends it doesn't do any good to you since it messes up the formula. Being a doc I changed my stats twice and was set doing very well with it healing up to 352 for single heals, once they got bumped up to all 30's and one 20, the heal and some buffs actually have went down. Heals went back to original to 290, and Efficiency went from 22% down to 19%. Now that everyone was lv99 we had to line up to get Zen Master Technique to enable the tree. The devs only gave one ability giving a lot of confusion to many players, but later on turns out another npc on top of the roof near the Mara C HL was an NPC that sold the rest of the abilities on the tree. The Zen Master tree wasn't actually in the display of all the rest as we originally use, but had to hit the second tab on that window to actually see it. Where it shows a list of abilities available you have and just double click or drag to another window to equip it. Zen Master was set to be a lv99 ability and was way over powered. Everyone's hp would be around 5k at lv 99 and if you had Efficiency added it would go up to additional 1,770 points. The most common move the Zen Master tree did 2k damage to a lv 50 to 70 npc. So everyone was over powered and rest of the abilities we went out to get are pretty much useless. The sky was changed to stay at Sakura sky i believe is what its called where the sky is blue with pinkish clouds, which was nice. Nothing really special happened on that day, we were all expecting an big event to happen but nothing, mostly was all about granting players special effects, changing rsi's or requesting devs to get meatwad (aka RSI Compression). There were two parties going on, one in Mara C by the HyperCube monument and one in Tabor West where SiRadio was hosting there with the regular djs dancing and killing off those pesky Corrupts. Yes all the orignal events are still there corrupts and zombies. Dracomet, Walrus, and Virrago appeared and stayed in Mara C hosting the party as Catzi radio was hosting that party. Odd thing I tried several times to get a screen shot of Virrago RSI but could not find him in the crowd, though he loved to meatwad people. You mostly be either parting with people either in Mara or Tabor, or be out Hyper Jumping getting some scene shots. At one point which was kinda funny was I was doing a pandora box to gain access into the Club Hel, which was very easy being Lv 99, and was showing someone who wanted to see it. Well once we left I was about to close the mission when an announcement went off to everyone that Draco was going to host the party in Hel Club that some person had opened it up but the name was unknown. I was like uh >.> how did he know i opened it up?!  So everyone came rushing in the underground garage and waiting for Dracomet to come on by. I was utterly confused and since they wanted to see Club Hel I volunteered and started letting them in, but later turned out a mix up and Draco opened another session. What was that Dracian wanted to host a party there but could not open the doors to let everyone in all at once as way back it use to be. Dracomet opened up a mission and went in teleporting people in there, I was one of them. Expecting a party to arrive nothing happened, turns out he just opened it up so people could see the club is all. So we all eventually suicide to get out of there and went on to partying. In Mara some few interesting things did happen, like pvp zone, rsi changes, then spawning of Sati and Agents then devs meatwad them. The Smith Virologist was reinstalled top of the church in Mara, and people were dancing up there, man we are such sinners hehe. Of course as usual the lag was very high to at one point alot ppl got disconnected by time outs in Mara and I was one of them, not sure if it was a region crash or just the load was too high and people got disconnected. From what SiRadio mentioned seems the server load when loging into Syntax was on High which was amazing enough to see it on that again. Later on in the evening close Si Radio was giving out real prizes which they had 4 station passes, psp games, and some action figures if I recall correctly that DJ Julesy was giving out. In order for you to win you had to please her by doing dirty emotes on her like /cake or maybe just grinding her, yeah SiRadio did go a tad wild hehe. Soon after about 2 hours left in the game the Tabor West party got transferred into the White Room, yes we been very naughty and alot of us stayed in there till the end. At the end of the time the sky's went Red Eye from what I heard and everyone's RSI got crushed but the thing is, since the load was so high in Mara many have gotten disconnected 3 minutes before the RSI crush which is sad, I stayed in the White Room and all lined up to waiting to be crushed with the rest of Evene's Faction and SiRadio DJ's. Soon after we got disconnected from the matrix for the last time. -sigh- -.-

July 30th
Dracomet did again! This morning what a surprise to find out everyone is now Level 69, and getting 19 points extra attributes. It won't still go beyond 30 but you can add to the rest of the attributes, but there is a catch yes a catch >.>
Seems we have to deal now with lv 255 Special Agents, supposely giving 35mil exp, wonder if we can go beyond lv 69? Not sure really, so far there arent many players online this morning gotta see later this afternoon. The Red Fragment/Bit Vendor has been removed, I guess because at some point server rebooted for new levels to take effect.

Dracomet changed a few things, agents are no longer lv 255, as well many locations in the mega city vendors have been outfitted with special items. I'll list them in a bit, and plans on making everyone lv 99 tomorrow giving access to the Zen Master abilities. What a surprise when Walrus himself has dropped with his presence, it was nice to finally see his RSI XD

For the Items you can buy! ^.^
Sakura Ninja Mask - clothing vendor Mara C
Omega Hat/Trenchcoat - clothing vendor Tabor W and Sai Kung Central
SSR Gear/ Mobious Code - Lemone District Collector Dr. Martin
Area K Trenchcoat / 10 Finger Gloves - Collector Binary Boy in Creston Hieghts SC
Accelerated Beret - Clothing Vendor in Park East North

Sati playground Dracomet has placed some Terminators that look like Accelerators that will kill any npcs, so you can get those box items very quickly. Sadly enough he had spawn Sati NPC she is so nice but players kill her off instantly. Ironicly later on players kill the Terminators off. Recrusion in the evening got to have a Martial Arts Tournament which took forever as us Syntax players waiting till it finishes. A player was claimed victor and was granted Zen Master and Lv100. After that the event started once again, and man it was the quickest and flash back memory event type thing. The Assassin appeared again and we all headed to Center Park North getting flagged automatic, but no worries we took him down very quickly and of course massive lag. The Assassin actually jumped from server to server with Syntax being the victor of the last kill. After the quick event poor Dracomet hasn't gotten any rest yet being all day long in the matrix, but he still gathered energy to gather everyone to Polyvinyl Club for a dance party with Pyroclasam hosting the music. Generous Dracomet has giving some players a some special abilities for free no charge or no triva as before, and said his goodbyes around 11pm central time to finally get some deserved rest.  

July 29th
The start of last events has begun in the matrix world. I was surprised for one that it was related to the to a story, but was not so well organized. You can clearly tell the devs had problems, they even stated they did in the end of the event. So what is the summery from what I could understand what was going on, it was difficult with everyone spamming talking all at once and lag, and pvp. It started with Tactical Security spawning in Mara C, heard in other servers people were getting cloned or something not sure what my inside source friend meant. After that Neo spoke? yes only one world "Zion.." not sure if it was the real thing or someone had typed it cleverly in there. Afterward an announcement was shown for all EPN and Zion to report to Janus Club for a meeting requested by The Kid. From what I gathered The Kid was losing faith in Neo and other rambling things from what ppl told me; again was hard to listen as well Agents spawning to kill the intruders of other organizations. The next meeting spot was moved to Debir Court, yeah not a good choice since the halloween pumpkin was there, and you know someone had to turn it on while so many players are there. The lag was so horrible, you could barely do any commands. After the kid talked which i missed EPN NPC's and Cypherites NPc's spawned attacking everyone no matter what org you were. I died and saw Dracomet running around in Mara C like a lune, he seems not to be aware of it, when I mentioned it was so horrible in there thinking server would crash. He replied Debir Court you say, and he went off to the place, guess he reduced the spawns to ease the lag. Afterward the place was under control we set off to Tabor North, and its when really got chaotic. Turns out some Machine org person named xPentothal and his accomplice DaemonRoute was trying to locate The Kid hovercraft by setting off some bombs that are meant to track him. So it was up to us to save him well those of Zion, but not sure of other Machine and Zion. There was a bomb set on the ground by xPentothal, and you had to stand on to deactivate as a computerized voice mentioned the timer when it will detonate giving the remaining time. Standing on the bomb would immediately flag you, as well more spawns of EPN and Cypherites Npc's. The Kid went on saying how shock he was at this action as this person was seen as a loyal person to many others, at first I was thinking about Neo or Oracle he was talking about since it was very confusing to tell what was really going on. So we had set of locations mentioned by xPentothal trying to find the right spot to locate the hovercraft of The Kid, basicly we went hoping from building to building next to each other and then back down to Tabor North HL again stopping these bombs. At this point the mission was a success as xPentothal didn't get what he needed, and yelled at DaemonRoute which ended up on a fight between them two, and DaemonRoute wont the fight. Odd thing was, they did say they actually knew The Kid location on his hovercraft and asked him its best to jack out right now, and so he did. That was basicly it, and one more last round of Tatical Security in Mara C.

July 28th
I arrived pretty late today, but did catch most of it. A player asked to spawn massive npcs and of course we could not handle it. We are too little players right now. Draco spawned Overrides again dying all over the place, and feel sorry for those players just barely logging on and get killed instantly XD. Ironic Draco left the scene and placed a note on the overrides, basically changing some of their names to indicate where he currently is at.

As you can barely notice not all Overrides have the same name, Some say "Go To Sanguine"
Arrival of the Sanguine Club in Moriah East, and guess what more Trivia!!! Alot of the questions were related to old old games from Atari, to 2600, and some other games so unknown to many of us. I didn't get one single question lol but alot of the players did used Google and got the answer pretty quick.

After the whole 2 days of Triva we could now cash in our points on how many we got right, again I didn't get any of them sadly. here is a screen shot list of the Prizes.

Dracomet: 1pt: Area K trench, patcher headgear, Translocation Program, or FM-1500
3pt: Fly Transform
4pt: Event1_1Death
5pt: Event1_1AOE, Event2_0Death, NPCPounce, or  Succubuss's Kiss
10pt: ZenMaster

So as a result of this of course players began to spam the abilities! They don't have it permanent only certain number of them. Some of the abilities have been acquired from missions Dracomet has created. One I recall is first to defeat the NPC he set, and gave a Hint to where the location was at.

player has been transformed into flies, and what is cool about it player is also can get damaged by the Insecticide Code lol.

So after the whole ordeal Dracomet went back to Mara C very quickly before any of us got there and elimated alot of the Overrides but a few stood there. Didn't catch the action in time for the overrides but was there to take down the Accelerator.

An NPC was installed in Mara C named Aeternitas1, a Lv10 Npc with no life really, but can't die at all. The cool part about it you can take some awesome screen shots of finishing bullet time kill moves. On the downside he can damage you hehe and will try to interlock with you any chance he can get XD.

Later on that in the Evening Dracomet has come back online with a little surprise that Walrus has made his presence in the game. Though I could not see him since everyone gathered all at once around Dracomet once they heard Walrus name. Supposedly he was invisible and when he did pop up for a second he was an Level 10 Agent, but never did get to see it. Again a small event took place with a lot of chaos, but was controlled this time on the highway in Mara C than in Mara itself.  It was fun as it gave us a chance to heal up and retreat, the HL's Mara C and Northwest actually orange and at times Red, had to go there the long way if you died. Special Agents once again were removed from Mara C. Wasn't able to take many pictures got so distracted by the amount of fighting lol.

« Last Edit: August 02, 2009, 06:41:41 AM by Eoven » Logged
Omega Syndicate
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« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2009, 02:21:02 PM »

Thanks for keeping all this updated Eoven! 

Omega Syndicate
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« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2009, 06:05:24 PM »

Yuh-huh, cheers for the info!

Omega Syndicate
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« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2009, 07:29:37 PM »

Yes thank you for the regular logs of how the end of MxO is going down.  It is an interesting read and in the future will be the only record Smiley

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« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2009, 11:44:44 AM »

Tried to put everything in one post but seems to glitch after a certain length, so put the past here, not sure how to solve or how to put current events on top =P

July 27th
Nothing much has changed today, Dracomet is been in the Polyvinyl Club near Mara C, discovered that he was actually in all 3 servers. Which explains why he is slow to respond at times. Special Agents have been activated again back to Mara C not sure if it goes rest of Richland. Lets see what torture he did for us? Well nice thing he can change your rep from what I know. Beware if you ask him for a random gift fro Dracoment, he will most likely spawn agent on you or other npc, either way resulting in death lol.  For those who want to farm those constructs with your low alts but now can't being lv 50; he said he can warp you there if you need to go there. He spawned today Tengu, Agents, and Gargoyle. Again sadly we didn't survive very well, as well he demonstrated Corrupt Pulse Ability and flagged us all and killed us all in one shot. The effect was so fast didn't had time to take the screen shot. It was an easy day really, forgot he did spawn some Angels earlier when he arrived in the morning. So we all clubbed mostly all day he was there, and just chit chatting with him, as well he seemed a bit tired. What was cool though a player called him a Fake! yeah so he went to that player and changed his name to Dracomet leveling him to 255 and both fought in interlock. Sadly the dev was losing Oo and we were all cheering for him. He didn't die just stopped the fight, one main discussion was to make ppl into GM's but turns out he can't if he did, then we won't be able to log in XD. Seems GM's/Devs access a special virtual private network to allow them access to this. So anyone else who didn't have it would not be able to log in even having a GM status. But yeah like i said it was a pretty mellow day and chit chat which was nice for a change. ^^

Later in the night Draco came back! Wee! Time for some triva. There were several prizes dealing with some special effects. as well grand prize was to have the zen master tree. In the end of it he tortured us again by setting us on fire and slowly dying, as well flagging us. The fun part is that we could of ran to other ppl and infect them as well with the fire, but i didn't had a chance to do so since i got killed by lame pvpers, the very person who resurrects them. shame shame. still was fun though XP

July 26th
Group photo op was done July 26 for all servers, I sadly missed but from what i heard and seen it was chaos really, took place in Debir Court where a pumpkin stood there. So someone had to activated it, once it was taken I arrived which a bunch of Tatical Security were spawned and everyone was killed. Oh well missed another fun photo op.


July 25th
CSR_BREWKO_SYNTAX logged on today and didn't do much cept change ppl RSI's at random. Was cool to watch.

From Cats to Gray Agents

Corrupt Effect, the Green Lighting one obove pics from Unlimited was done here, and left a purple code behind from RSI Gray Agent thought it was cool

July 24th
Alright kiddies, things have been made easier for you. Dracomet has changed a few things in the matrix.

1. Special Agents spawns have been relocated to only Downtown and International. Corrupt still spawn every where except Mara. Special Agents will still drop White Clusters that have 10% chance of FM 1500 to be dropped.

2. Smith Virologist Collector has been installed. This collector sells Red Fragments and Bits for those who need to continue making their tree. As well has man items mostly T-shirts with attributes. This also includes Oracle Anniversary Cookie and Smith Candy which protects you from the smith virus for 5 minutes. There is also a Token Ticket to do Smith Virus Mission, but is not active. The new npcs is near Mara C passing the Overpass highway at one of the buildings roofs, and next to Dish. NPC will remain there as long the region server does not crash.
Location: X: 86 Y: 73 Z: 5

3. Assassin Fly Sky is now Red blended with Beta Red Eye Sky. The sky keeps on switching still so it won't stay on just one sky. Its barely noticeable in screen shot but its there.

4. The most evil of all, when Dracomet is online he tends to torture us players by spawning impossible lv 255 Agents to kill us all, or Tactical Security in such numbers. But its all in good fun. So far what I have seen the amount of players right now can barely kill 1 lv 255 Agent. -.- so sad....

July  23
5. Everyone is now Level 50, with 4 Billion Info

6. Beta End Red Eye Sky Activated.

Enjoy =)
« Last Edit: July 30, 2009, 11:17:31 AM by Eoven » Logged
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