The Matrix Online @

The Matrix™ Online => General Discussion => Topic started by: Reikira on November 20, 2014, 04:27:22 PM

Title: Message in a bottle...
Post by: Reikira on November 20, 2014, 04:27:22 PM
Sending out a HEY OS!!!
.. sorry, I couldn't resist ;)

Well, I know it's a huge longshot that anyone will actually read this but I was hit with a bit of MxO and OS nostalgia the other day and wanted to stop in and say hi, just on the off chance that anyone's still around to see it.

My life has been going really good the last while, I was lucky enough to get a really good job in my home town and have just recently bought myself a house and have been very much enjoying life in this tiny little hippy town in the middle of the mountains of BC that I call home.  I've been offline for quite a while computer wise and haven't played any mmorpg's in years though I bought myself a good Mac not too long ago.  Unfortunately there's not a whole lot of games out there for Mac's yet though I wouldn't really have the time to play them right now even if there was.  Ahh well, who knows you may see me back in some sort of game yet, I just found out LOTRO is good to go on Mac's though so I may pop back in there and see if my account still works at some point seeing as it's free to play now.

It occurred to me just recently, I think the OS would be around 10 years old now!  I'm pretty sure the faction was established in 2004 so that's quite the milestone, regardless of the fact that we're really not active anymore.  Cheers to that OS!

I know it's unlikely that anyone will read this at this point but who knows, maybe just maybe there's folk still around these parts.  If by any chance there are I'd love to hear how you're doing after all this time! 

Even if I never hear from any of you again, I hope you're all doing well and are living spectacularly awesome lives out there in the real!


::raises a glass in salute and listens to the echo::

Still love you all,


Title: Re: Message in a bottle...
Post by: ScareCrowe on March 18, 2015, 01:12:00 AM
I still pop in occasionally for old times sake.  ;)

Glad to hear things are doing well for you Rei. Life's going pretty good here too, lets see since MxO I've gotten married, bought & rehabbed a house which we're now living in, had a son who's almost 1 year and a half old now as well as moving up into an office sales position at work. (was working in the field as an HVAC repairman)

After MxO I tried WoW, but could never fully get into it, but have been playing Star Wars: The Old Republic for about 6 months now & am really enjoying it. If you ever want to get back into gaming give it a try(or if anyone already playing see's this let me know, I'd love to catch up & do some gaming with you guys) . It's got it's flaws, but after playing some other games I'm actually amazed we stayed in MxO as long as we did, given it really had no end game content to speak of at all.

Anyway just saw your post so I thought I'd check in :)

Miss you guys,


Title: Re: Message in a bottle...
Post by: Reikira on March 29, 2015, 04:13:06 AM
Hey Crowe!  Long time no see!  Great to hear your life has been going good, congrats on the house and marriage and kid! 

You know, MxO was the first MMO I ever played and as limited as it was in retrospect, I still have a huge soft spot for it and I was always more drawn to the continuation of the storylines and the deeper philosophical aspects of it that you really don't seem to get in a lot of other games.  That and the people, it was the OS that really kept me in that game for as long as I did because everyone was just so freakin awesome and fun.  We had a pretty good thing going there for a long time :)  I just went back and looked through all the old pictures in the OS Photo Album ( and yea, *sigh*  So may good memories back in there :)

Title: Re: Message in a bottle...
Post by: CloudWolf on March 29, 2015, 05:18:18 AM
Weird that I get nostalgic only to see a post from today. Hope everyone's done well post-mxo. It was once in a lifetime.

Title: Re: Message in a bottle...
Post by: Reikira on March 29, 2015, 06:07:59 AM
Wow, that's fairly synchronistic, hey Cloud!  Long time no see! :)  How have you been doing these last handful of years?

Just for the record, I started this thread over on the OS hub site as well.
Message in a Bottle.. (

Title: Re: Message in a bottle...
Post by: CloudWolf on March 29, 2015, 06:55:59 AM
Life goes on. Got a job as a full time programmer. Brought a house. And a pug. Getting married in May. As well as could be hoped for. Glad to see others are good. Thankful for the memories and the sense of community that came from mxo and os. Really helped me come out of my shell in those formative years.

Title: Re: Message in a bottle...
Post by: Reikira on April 01, 2015, 01:18:28 AM
That's great to hear!  Congrats on the house and pup and upcoming hitchin!  It's been so long that I wasn't really expecting anyone to be left around to actually check in and read these threads so it's really cool to hear people have been doing good with the continuation of their lives out there in the real :)   

Title: Re: Message in a bottle...
Post by: Othinn on April 08, 2015, 07:44:12 PM

   I'm still around.  Mostly hanging out at the mxoemu site, running around in the emu, trying on different RSIs, playing effects from the game.  Stuff like that.

Title: Re: Message in a bottle...
Post by: CloudWolf on April 27, 2015, 08:35:11 PM
Hey Othinn, I've been meaning to ask, have you got a zipped up dump of all your chat logs somewhere? I've been going through copy/pasting off of Archival Science but it'd be nice if you had them all bundled up somewhere :)

Title: Re: Message in a bottle...
Post by: Reikira on October 08, 2015, 01:20:32 AM
Hey Othinn!  Terribly late reply I know, so sorry for that.  If you happen to see this, great to see you around still and it's really good to know at least one person is still carrying the MxO tradition on, even if just the emu.

Hey Cloud do you still have all the storyline documents and videos archived somewhere?  Last time I was hit with some matrix nostalgia I was thinking it would be fun to go and poke through the old chapters, sadly I don't remember a lot of it anymore.