City residents enjoy Springlike weather after a long, wet Winter.

Tourism Up, Floods Over, Spirits are Set To Soar As The Sun Smiles on The City


     With crocuses sprouting and birds singing, city residents finally feel the city coming back to life.
     This winter's record rains and flooding amounted to a financial bath taken by the whole city. But tourism is up, as any oberver can see, by the large number of well-turned-out hipster types on the streets, the city seems poised for a revival as a cultural hot spot.
     "Cities go through death-and-rebirth cycles all the time," said a spokesman for the Mayor's office. "It's a natural progression for any entity, be it living organism or muncipal area."
     People on the street seemed to share the optimistic spirit. One man, who gave his name as "Dexter S. Inister," said,

 M, we will never forget you. Love, N. (BoxError)