This photo of the man pretending to be the late Morpheus
was snapped by accident by an office worker with a
digital camera. He "flew away," according
to the photographer.
Officials Seek to Head Off Trend of Using Fireworks
on Non-Holidays.
By City Desk
City officials
announced steep increases in fines for using fireworks
in city limits today.
"Some possibly mentally unstable people are
setting off fireworks in the street, creating a serious
fire hazard. It must stop," a law enforcement
agency spokesman said.
When asked if he was referring
to the man masquerading as the (deceased) terrorist "Morpheus," he
declined to comment. Reports of the man using fireworks
as adjuncts to his speeches are widespread.
Fines are
as follows: First usage, $2000. Second, $4000. Third,
$8000 and 30 days in jail.
In an unusual provision,
citizens who aid in the apprehension of violators are awarded the fine moneys. "If
your tip causes them to be arrested, or you perform
a citizen's arrest,
you get
the dough," said the spokesman.
perform a citizen's arrest, one must say, "I
arrest you for violating city code 100A, using fireworks
in city limits without a license." Reasonable
force may be used. Cooperating citizens may share the
reward, or, at Judge's discretion, be given duplicate
full rewards.
"We're serious.
We don't
want this city burned down by whackos," the spokesman
Asked if the recent rains
were some safeguard against this, the spokesman declined
to comment.
Most fireworks incidents have
been reported in the Downtown and International Districts,
but the overall pattern is city-wide.
No fireworks supplier
has been identified. Investigations continue.
To report
a violation, call 555-FIRE (555-3473).

Andres Bonifacieao |
This Just In: Rain falls, Wets Streets.
Am I missing something? Some
clown says he's a deceased shaved-pated,
leather-dustered bombthrower, makes incomprehensible mini-speeches
around town, and that's news?
You'd think this town
wasn't full of leathered-up dudes and dominatrixes
strutting the streets and
spewing nonsense about higher
Wake up,
people. We are, for better or worse, a magnet for
these chic'ed up weirdos. It's
the culture of the town. It makes our nightclubs
more colorful, and more headaches for law enforcement
authorities, but there it is.
Yet my contact downtown
says there's a full-on
red alert for this ersatz Morpheus character (real
name: We'renot T. Elling).
City officials say terrorist
sighting was actually local eccentric.
City law enforcement officials
say the speech-making man purporting to be Morpheus, the
infamous terrorist, is actually a local eccentric well known
to authorities.
Morpheus was killed in Southern Asia
last year, they said.
This man, whose identity is being withheld by request
of his family, has been in and out of institutions for the past
twenty years. He has at other times believed himself to be
opera singer Paul Robeson, Hatian founder Toussaint L'Ouverture,
anticommunist writer George Schuyler, and Jesus Christ.
Sentinel reporter caught two of his brief orations -- the man speaks briefly,
then runs to a different venue, before authorities can apprehend him. "He's creating
a public nuisance, speaking without a permit, and has repeatedly
incited riot. That's illegal." A spokesman said.
heard by our reporter confirm this description. "Listen
to me. We must strain the system in every way we can. Only
when the May tricks collapse is imminent will they return,
they won." The meaning of this statement is unclear,
but evidently he is referring to an event two months from
The man continued: "Redpills should
passively resist. Wreck things in little ways. Use your
powers. Hype your junk, as often as you can. The illusion
will fall the more you're observed."
At this, the man left, and the crowd
seemed to thin by half all at once. Our reporter admits confusion;
he said it was as though people flew off in all directions,
even into the sky. None of the remaining bystanders interviewed
could understand quite what happened.
A second encounter with
the "Morpheus wanna-be" involved
this speech: "We must prove we're ready to take
it all down if they don't return the one." The
one what? He doesn't say. "Challenge the agents. Invade
forbidden zones. A thousand stings brings down a great
beast, or at least turns it aside."
At this some black-suited men arrived in a black vehicle.
The imposter seemed alarmed. There was a fireworks flash,
and "Morpheus" was gone. Fireworks have been
used repeatedly at his mini-speeches, according to witnesses.
One man who refused to be identified said the flash transformed
one of the listeners, somehow.
Authorities are investigating
to see if fireworks regulations have been violated.

Seeking cowboy hat wearing adventurer! Getting tired
of always doing what you are told, following the rules, paying your taxes? Let's
walk on the wild side! (Box258)
Afraid of all this talk about reds
and terrorists? Then let's scare up some fun on our own.
Meet me at Debir Court Friday night. Kung Fu grip not required.
Do you feel like everyone is not
what they seem, and your nights hollow and strangely empty?
Then let's meet at Polyvinyl and live the life fantastic.
(Box123) |